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We are a funder of last resort

In 2020, there were an estimated 14.2 million adults aged 18 or older in the United States with Serious Mental Illness.
- National Institute of Mental Health 


Our mission

The mission of the Northern Virginia Mental Health Foundation (NVMHF) is to provide support to individuals in our community who are seeking public mental health services on their journeys to wellness and recovery.

Northern Virginia Mental Health Foundation helps individuals currently in treatment for Serious Mental Illness by providing the funding these individuals need to help them achieve their wellness goals.

We are a funder of last resort for individuals with Serious Mental Illness. Applicants and Case managers have explored other funding avenues. We are positioned as their final option for direct relief.

Serious mental illness (SMI) is a term used by our partners and the Federal Institute of Mental Illness (NIMH) meant to include several disorders, as defined by the psychiatric guideline, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental (DSM). They are generally considered to include schizophrenia, major depression, severe bipolar disorder and some other conditions.

The process

Unlike many other funding sources, our grantmaking is expedient in its delivery, direct in its focus, and easy to navigate, without complicated bureaucratic processes.


Individuals in treatment at the Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board (CSB), a public mental health agency in Fairfax County, Virginia, apply for grants with support from their case managers. Grants must be a part of the treatment plan, and they usually range from $25-$2000.


CSB (Community Services Board) Case Managers send grant requests to NVMHF. The Foundation does not have direct contact with the individuals and families who receive these grants.


NVMHF’s Board of Directors reviews these grants and approves approximately 95% of the submitted requests. Within 7-10 days of submission, the beneficiary receives the funding.


4. NVMHF requests an update on the individual's treatment plan to track the success of the grants and initiatives. Check out our success stories!

lifetime IMPACT

6,000+ individuals in mental
health treatment were impacted


of our funding goes straight to the grant beneficiary*

30 Years

of supporting the community

Green party hat

Who are the people behind the mission?

*Overhead costs are kept to a minimum in order to maximize the funding available to meet the treatment needs of the individuals served, specifically administrative expenses are just 5% of total expenses, and fundraising expenses are just 7% of total expenses. Funds are provided by generous individual and corporate donors via direct donations, Community Health Charities, Giving Tuesday, and DoMore24.


NVMHF, a volunteer-run organization, is concerned with gaps in mental health care and wellness support. We serve the citizens of Fairfax County, and the cities of Fairfax and Falls Church, Virginia.

Our goals are To:

  • Improve the quality of life for persons living with serious mental health conditions.

  • Increase public awareness of broader mental health conditions and their impact upon individuals and the larger community.

  • Promote greater understanding, tolerance, and acceptance of people with mental health conditions.

Small grants are given to individuals diagnosed with Serious Mental Illness who need a particular item or service that is part of their treatment plan and is not available from the public sector.

Our goals are yours - we envision a stronger, more resilient community. To accomplish these goals, we must help our neighbors in need with resources to continue on their path to wellness.


"Having the webcam funded by NVMHF played an important role in reconnecting the individual to a peer support network and consequently help to mitigate safety risks and to promote the individual's mental health recovery."

"A grant helped an individual move and avoid a potential eviction that could have resulted in homelessness. The person is currently living in a senior-friendly community where he is getting support from his peers and is connected to the community. He has made new friends and is engaged in more productive activities in the community. He also is addressing health concerns with encouragement and support from peers."

phone bills
“NVMHF graciously helped with my client’s phone bills. The client has used the phone to engage in outpatient mental health and medical treatment. She started looking for a part-time job so she could pay bills and outstanding child support. With your help, this client has been able to remain connected to treatment services as well as to social supports – members of her church and supportive family members. Thank you again for your generosity!”

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