Serious mental illness (SMI) is defined as a mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder resulting in serious functional impairment, which substantially interferes with or limits one or more major life activities. The burden of mental illnesses is particularly concentrated among those who experience disability due to SMI.
The federal Institute of Mental Illness (NIMH) estimates that five percent of adults over 18 suffer from SMI. These disorders must have a clinically significant impact on a person's functioning in social, occupational and relationship arenas to be considered SMI.

We invite you to become a part of helping a person along their path to recovery.
$2,000 will pay for dental work including crowns and bridgework so a person can regain healthy oral hygiene and prevent infection and pain
$1,000 will start a person off in safe, subsidized housing
$200 will pay for certifications so a person may become a certified nursing assistant
$100 will pay for a recreation center pass so a person with medical issues can begin a path of healthy exercise
$15 will pay for an ID card so a person who has been offered a job can accept it and begin working
Our Foundation receives dozens of these heartfelt requests from people with no other available options, and we want to provide that funding to give them hope and a new direction.
Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board (CSB) provides behavioral health treatment services for people of all ages who have mental illness, substance use disorders, and/or developmental disabilities. Their vision is that everyone in our community has the support needed to live a healthy, fulfilling life.
The process
Unlike many other funding sources, our grantmaking is expedient in its delivery, direct in its focus, and easy to navigate, without complicated bureaucratic processes.
Individuals in treatment at the Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board (CSB), a public mental health agency in Fairfax County, Virginia, apply for grants with support from their case managers. Grants must be a part of the treatment plan, and they usually range from $25-$2000.
CSB (Community Services Board) Case Managers send grant requests to NVMHF. The Foundation does not have direct contact with the individuals and families who receive these grants.
NVMHF’s Board of Directors reviews these grants and approves approximately 95% of the submitted requests. Within 7-10 days of submission, the beneficiary receives the funding.
4. NVMHF requests an update on the individual's treatment plan to track the success of the grants and initiatives. Check out our success stories!
lifetime IMPACT
individuals in mental
health treatment were impacted
of our funding goes straight to the micro-grant beneficiary*
30 Years
of supporting the community

Who are the people behind the mission?
*Overhead costs are kept to a minimum in order to maximize the funding available to meet the treatment needs of the individuals served, specifically administrative expenses are just 5% of total expenses, and fundraising expenses are just 7% of total expenses. Funds are provided by generous individual and corporate donors via direct donations, Community Health Charities, Giving Tuesday, and DoMore24.
“As a result of your funding, this person was able to have the tooth treated which prevented infection. She has heart issues so an infection would have been very dangerous for her. She has also followed up with her other medical providers, and she is taking care of her physical health. The help she received from your organization put her at ease and helped her to care for herself.”
phone bills
“NVMHF graciously helped with my client’s phone bills. The client has used the phone to engage in outpatient mental health and medical treatment. She started looking for a part-time job so she could pay bills and outstanding child support. With your help, this client has been able to remain connected to treatment services as well as to social supports – members of her church and supportive family members. Thank you again for your generosity!”
rec pass
“With funds for a recreation center pass, this individual’s self-care started with participating in swimming but then developed into joining recovery-based groups. In addition to decreasing her symptoms, she was able to recognize the need to focus on treatment and recovery. This opportunity may have saved her life as she was given the opportunity to find one thing that allowed for self-care..”